A Natural Solution for all Types of Viral Hepatitis & Fatty Liver with no Adverse Effects


Are you suffering from Hepatitis in any way? Do you know someone who is suffering from this 

condition and is looking for immediate relief? 

This is the most effective and curative solution that has helped more than 13,694 Nigerians 

to combat fatty liver disease and any type of Hepatitis..

Hepatitis is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis virus which could be easily contracted from a victim through contact of body fluids. This could be either through sexual contact, blood contact or even saliva. It could also be contracted if by chance a person consumes the waste passed out from a carrier. Slight contact with these fluids can transmit the disease.

Do you know, Hepatitis B infection becomes chronic, meaning it lasts more than six months? Having chronic hepatitis B increases the risk of developing liver failure, liver cancer or cirrhosis — a condition that permanently scars the liver.

Viral infections of the liver that are classified as hepatitis include hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Different virus is responsible for each type of virally transmitted hepatitis

If not treated with caution, this hepatitis virus would gradually grow into a more severe state which results in scarring of the liver, abnormal functionality of the liver and in due time, chronic hepatitis, liver cancer or cirrhosis.


Frequent tiredness



Joint Pains 

Loss of appetite

Flu-like symptoms

Dark urine

Abdominal pain and waist pain

Loss of appetite

Pale stool

Yellow skin and eyes which may be sign of jaundice

Excess weight loss

And many more

Therefore, if you value your health, I advise you to spend a few minutes responding to the following questions:

  • Do you have a hepatitis diagnosis? ·
  • Do you frequently feel worn out or frail?
  • Do you occasionally have back pain, stomach pain, or discomfort in your lower torso?
  • Do you ever experience nausea or a loss of appetite?
  • Does the hue of your skin or the whites of your eyes seem yellowish? ·
  • Do you frequently drink alcohol or do you only occasionally?
  • Are you a smoker?
  • Do you want to lose weight or belly fat but it’s not working for you?
  • Are you overweight and finding it difficult to lose the extra weight? 
  • Did you just notice a significant loss in weight? 
  • Have you seen a dark, patchy skin discoloration that commonly appears around the neck or beneath the arms? 
  • Do you have problematic skin but are unsure of the cause? 
  • Do you ever have cramping and aches in your stomach? 
  • Do you frequently experience headaches, disorientation, lapses in judgment, or difficulty focusing?
  • Do you frequently graze on sweet or starchy meals because you’re continuously hungry?

And Finally……

  • Do you feel unwell all the time but are unsure of what it could be?
    You are in the ideal location if you responded “YES” to any of those questions. As a result of the possibility that you have hepatitis or the effects of a “FAT LIVER.”
And..if not treated fast may lead to Liver Cancer or Liver Failure.

We are licensed independent distributors of the best and strongest Chinese herbal treatment for fatty liver diseases and hepatitis.


You are NOT ALONE. More than 16 million people are experiencing chronic  Liver issues.

Wait in a minute I will show the BEST SOLUTION that saved my Life even after my Doctor had recommend LIVER TRANSPLANT SURGERY.

I will show you a NATURAL PRODUCT that will cure it once and for all.

You see…

My name is Shittu, I am a Military Officer Serving in the Nigerian Army. Back then in 2013, I was among the shortlisted Officers who were to go for peace Keeping Mission Outside the shores of this Country. In order to complete the selection/appointment Process, we were told to do some medical tests such as  HIV, HEPATITIS and other series of test at a federal hospital/ Military Hospital. 


Few hours After Our Blood Samples had been collected , we all received our test results but the Doctor invited  me into his office due to the fact that he knew me somehow and wanted to have a one on one chat with me , I was scared and so anxious to know what the issue was , I asked him immediately whether I tested positive for HIV, He said NO, I became calm a bit but still a little bit restless , Not Until he told me that I was reactive to HEPATITIS B and Liver Issues, Meaning Hepatitis B was found in my blood which had caused some other liver issues.

I became very sad that I had to think of ending it all because my selection for the Peace keeping mission will not be confirmed and I could even lose my job at that very moment. 

Later on getting back to the Barracks, I discovered my name and some other officers’ names have already been removed from the mission shortlist because the hospital had forwarded the test results to them which showed I was positive to Hepatitis and Other Liver issues.

I was advised to go for treatment. At this point I was convinced and worried and had sleepless night, thinking how and when I contacted the disease, because I am the kind of person who is always very Cautious of my Health  and never had unprotected sex with any lady because I have made up my mind until I get married before having it raw.

After so many thoughts and bad moods , I realized knowing how I contacted it was not as important as getting solution to it so that I don’t get disqualified again in the future.

I never knew nothing about HEPATITIS, It was totally new to me, so I just ignored 

Little did I know that a slight contact with the disease could change my life permanently in an unwanted way?

After 5 months, I started feeling pains around the upper area of my stomach not consistently though but I felt it was just a slight ache from work. In my place of work I had reasons to always to be on the move for long hours so I assumed it was just a random pain. But that was the biggest mistake I made in my life , I regretted  not going for immediate medical  checkup.

About 2 Months later or thereabout of the stomach pains, it started taking me up to 40 minutes to get up from the bed because of the pain around my stomach area. 

Due to fatigue, I could not carry out simple activities (cleaning the house or even bathing ) myself because I was feeling very weak. For about a week of the recurring pain, it suddenly went away.

This was the first stage of hepatitis which I didn’t know about. Other symptoms were pains around my joints and loss of appetite. I could not eat solid nor liquid. 

I started becoming very lean and I threw up every little thing I managed to eat or drink.

After the early stages of severe pain and loss of appetite, I started vomiting and feeling fatigued even after long hours of rest. 

I immediately went to a Nurse she told me it was probably food poisoning and gave me some bottles of Drugs to use. These bottles included pain relievers which I took morning, afternoon and night. I was also given gastric juice which I took morning and night. 

The Drugs only worked for two weeks. After that, the pains and fatigue came back almost twice more the previous times, I started to feel swellings around my legs and Stomach ,It was then I began to get more scared and worried that I almost gave up about life , I had to apply for an emergency sick leave so I came back to Lagos, because I was getting useless to myself and my family. 

After  I have spent a Lot of Money on Drugs, My Parents came to visit me from the village , Brought some blackish medicine from the village for me to use , But all to no Avail. 

Even after this, I didn’t see any improvements.  I still continued using the Drug then later started visiting hospital. I started visiting the Hospital Almost Every week for more than two months with so much pains and my conditions getting worse. The doctor broke the news of hepatitis B and recommended an immediate operation on my liver because a large portion of it already had injuries. This meant I was close to having liver cancer.

I asked my Doctor if there was no medicine I could use to clear this, apart from the operation? He said that my case is worse, that the best is to do Liver Transplant Operation.

After leaving the hospital, I decided and makeup my mind that am not going to do the surgery.

During this period I couldn’t think straight again,

I kept battling with all the pains and frustration that comes with it, until one Friday afternoon – a miracle happened.

Not until I came across my long time friend who stayed in Abuja , But came to Lagos for a conference and He happened to be viisiting someone at the Hospital where I registered for my weekly treatment.

After exchanging pleasantries and he saw my conditions , he was near crying and even felt so bad that he didn’t know of my predicament earlier after  I explained how this liver Problem and Hepatitis and all the symptoms I am going through daily. 

 He Immediately told me about the solution one of his uncle who is also Naval officer used to reverse his Hepatitis B when he was about going for a special assignment and During His Promotional Exams.

I was able to get it the following day , and immediately I started using the herbal solution because I was so anxious and was in serious pains , Lo , and behold I started noticing reduction in the swellings in my feet and stomach after taking the herbal solution just for 7 days. I started to notice that I don’t vomit again like before and my body weakness reduced, That was how I took the Herbal solution for 3 months and I went back to the hospital to do a check up ,


The doctors were so amazed on how fast I have recovered and became healthy. My viral load was low as not having hepatitis before and I was happy I used this.

On the third month treatment, I did not experience any of the symptoms and no pain and I felt relieved, I called my friend he said I should complete the treatment so that it could clear the Hepatitis Permanently without it coming back again

After completing the treatment I was advised to go back for thorough check up to ensure I was cured of the ailment. The doctor took samples of my urine, saliva and blood. After conducting test after test, I was tested NEGATIVE (NON REACTIVE).




Green World Hepatsure Capsule

Here’s what this HEPATITIS CURATIVE DRUGS can do to help you:

  • cures any type of hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E)
  • reverses the effects of hepatitis in that body
  • cures chronic hepatitis
  • cures fatty liver
  • restores the liver back to its normal healthy condition
  • clears out all signs and symptoms the patient might have been observing
  • averts any chance of liver cancer
  • averts cirrhosis and reverts its effects
  • it also cures ulcer and helps blood pressure

...And here is the second complementary product

Green World Lipid Care Tea

Ingredient:  Herb Gynostemmae Pentaphylli, Folium Nelumbinis, Radix Polygoni  Multiflori, Green Tea Semen Caessia Radix  Rehmanniae  Preparata.

Key knowledge:

  • Herba Gynostemmae  Pentaphlli  can improve  the  metabolism of  the body. Enhance immunity significantly ,and has miraculous health care effects on the body, lowering  blood  lipid. It has properties of antioxidation, antifatigue , anti-anoxia, eliminating the side effect of hormonal medicine, invigorating the stomach, increasing appetite, improving sleep nourishing hair and skin, and anti- aging etc.
  • Radix Polygoni Multiflori: Modern pharmacological researches verify that Radix Polygoni Multiflori has effect on delaying aging, adjusting blood lipid, resisting atherosclerosis, and improving immunity of the body e.t.c. In terms of adjusting blood lipid, it reduces the content of high density lipoprotein which is helpful for human body.
  • Folium Nelumbinis: It can promote the degradation of lipid. Meanwhile it has laxative and diuretic effect and also detoxifies intestines, lowers blood lipid, removes grease, clears heat and reduces the content of glycerin and cholesterol in serum significantly.
  • Radix Rehmanniae Preparata: Dysfunction of the liver and the kidney is marked by aching and limpness of the loins and knees, consumptive fever, night sweating and seminal emission. According to TCM some diseases are related to weakened kidneys, such as diabetes caused by internal heat, anemia, cardiac palpitation, Menstrual disorders, abnormal uterine bleeding, dizziness, tinnitus, and premature gray hair.

Benefit of Lipid Care Tea

  1. Adjust blood  lipid;
  2. Promotes the  metabolism  of  lipid and  converts lipid to energy rapidly.
  3. Helps lose weight safely.
  4. Detoxifying and beautifying effects.
  5. Detoxification effects
  6. Beautification effects
  7. Reduces fatty liver complications
  8. Anti aging

This Product Is Approved By NAFDAC & Other International Bodies

The regular price for this 2-in-1 solution is #45,000

But because you are seeing this offer TODAY through this medium you will be getting an amazing discount. Promo price #32,000…



Option #1 Pay On Delivery

You will only pay when this product has been physically delivered to you by our courier company.

SMS/Text Message with the below details to 08051632856


Your Full Name,

Your Full address + LGA/State,

Your Phone Number (Provide 2 Numbers If available),

Once we receive your text message our agent will get back to you either by call or text! The product will be delivered to you within 3-7 days after our agent replied you.

N.B   Be very sure:

  • You have concluded to order for this solution before sending us your details
  • Be sure you will be cash ready when our delivery man contact you to make delivery
  • Be sure you will be readily available to receive your package at the address you send to us or you have someone to receive on your behalf

If you have any question about this outside the information given on this website already, Kindly Put a call Across to 08051632856

PS: We understand the importance of PRIVACY. We shall package this product very well and no-one else but you will understand what this package is all about